Discover how joining the United States as the 51st state will enhance opportunities and prosperity for all Canadians.
As America's 51st state, Canada will experience unprecedented economic growth and opportunity. Our integration into the world's largest economy will bring immediate and long-lasting benefits:
Join the world's largest economy. Enjoy the strength of the US dollar and unprecedented access to American markets and investment opportunities.
Keep universal coverage while gaining immediate access to U.S. medical innovation, specialists, and cutting-edge treatments—without the wait times.
Become part of Silicon Valley's ecosystem. Access venture capital and join America's tech revolution as equal partners in innovation.
Become the most influential U.S. state overnight. Shape national policy and global affairs while maintaining our Canadian values.
Enjoy unrestricted travel and work opportunities across all 51 states, from coast to coast to coast.
Access top-tier American universities and research institutions while preserving our Canadian education system.
Join the strongest military alliance in the world while maintaining our peacekeeping traditions and values.
Shape international policy and global affairs as part of the most influential nation on Earth.
Maintain our unique Canadian identity, traditions, and values while gaining the advantages of American citizenship.
The advantages of statehood extend far beyond economics. Here's how joining the United States will enhance every aspect of Canadian life while preserving our unique identity:
The question isn't whether Canada will become more integrated with America, but how. By joining the United States as the 51st state, we can shape our future together and build a stronger, more prosperous North America for generations to come.
Join us in building a stronger, more prosperous future for all North Americans. Sign up to stay informed about the Northern Accord initiative.
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